Read about all my adventures on the other side of the world (a.k.a. Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR). September 2005 to May 2005.

Friday, September 09, 2005

"What? You want me to give it to you?"

Today was fun, but tiring. (Will I ever stop being tired?) Emily and I were hell-bent on going out to buy ourselves a couple of brooms and mops. We've been trying to buy some for the past 3 days. However, whenever we go out, we decide to go exploring and figure that we won't want to carry around some long handled items, so we don't bother. Sooner or later, we'll buy them.

Instead we wandered around HK island and planned to go see the light show over the harbour at 8pm. We wanted to go out for dinner, so we began phoning everyone we knew, trying to gather people for a big dinner... But damnit! Everyone had plans! I literally phoned everyone on my phone list (and I have over 15 people on my phone) and they either didn't have time to get there, or already had plans. Grr.

We ended up going shopping back in Tsim Sha Tsui and then going to the Spaghetti House for dinner. I always feel guilty when I eat Western food now, but it's so much more satisfying! Our friends Sarah and Mavis ended up joining us.

Afterwards, we got Mavis to take us to Temple Street Night Market. It was a lot like Mong Kok, but there was a wider variety of goods available. Despite that, I much prefer Mong Kok. The people there are much friendlier and more willing to bargain. Emily got yelled at by one vendor for looking at things but not buying. And another old man growled at me (in chinese - Sarah translated afterwards) because I said something was too expensive. (It was actually a damned good price in my opinion, but I want to try bargaining because you can never be sure when they're trying to rip you off.) He said something to the effect of, "What? you want me to give it to you?" Ha. I wish I had understood him, then I would have answered with a strong and resounding, "Yes."

Just beyond the market was a series of fortune tellers... And you got it! Mau went to get her fortune told! It was the most expensive service/product I bought all day - $100HKD to have my palm read, but it was worth it. The guy was really funny and suffered having his photo taken several times. He basically told me that I'll have to wait till my middle ages (by his definition, 30) before I can become successful. He also mentioned that I'll need to be considerate of my boyfriend's feelings or he'll leave me. LOL. Finally, he warned me that a close friend or family member will steal a large amount of money from me. Now that I've been warned, you guys will never be allowed near my wallet again.


Blogger Jill said...

LOL...sounds like you're having an awesome time Mau! :) I'm enjoying reading your adventures..keep'em up ;) And when I get a chance, I'll update my blog again (frosh week's keeping me busy :P)

Oh, and btw, I'm gonna update the link on my site to lead to this blog, not your other one.


2:49 AM


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