Read about all my adventures on the other side of the world (a.k.a. Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR). September 2005 to May 2005.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

That's not airconditioning...

Holy crap! I was wondering why I was feeling so happy... I just checked the humidex and it's 33 degrees! Rock on! You can't see it, but I have a single tear of happiness rolling down my cheek right now.

I think I should write down some instructions for you folks back in North America. If my mom says it's okay to phone me at 7am in the morning (err, 7am my time), don't listen to her! I don't appreciate being rolled outta bed on my day off when I had every intention of sleeping in.

As you can guess, this exact situation occured this morning. My cell phone starts rining at 7:20am in the morning while both me and my roommate are still sleeping. I pick it up with a weary "'Lo?" and am greeted by some disgustingly chirpy voice. It took like 2 minutes for me to clue in that it was my sister, Melanie. Apparently she had been talking to my mom earlier in the evening (it was 7:20pm for her) and my mom reasoned that since I had been awake at 7am on a Saturday (for my history study tour), I'd probably be awake at 7am on a Tuesday. Hello????? I'm a frickin' university student. Like I'm awake that early by choice. Gah. Anyways, it was pleasant chatting with her, although I was beginning to fall asleep again by the end of our conversation.

If you want to phone me, email me and I'll contact YOU to let you know when a good time to call is. (a.k.a. never. :P)

Today was a relaxing day. I only left my residence once. I've been on the go so much lately that I just didn't feel like going out. So I stayed home, chilled, studied for my mandarin midterm and watched movies. I actually did leave the house for the movies, and that was mainly because I'm so used to leaving my dorm that I was feeling super bored by being here all day. I guess the next time I feel like "going out," I'll just go to the library or something.

So the plans for the weekend are:
-Saturday - Meet Bernard and Minnie and whoever else to go ice skating and then for dinner at some Italian restaurant. Mmm. Italian. And yay! Thank god I took skating lessons this summer. They probably won't help me too much, but at least I'll be able to stand up for more than 5 minutes.
-Sunday - Go to Shenzhen. That's the city located just across the border in China. It's a shopping paradise apparently, so Renee and I along with some others will head over there and check it out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I KNEW IT!!! Mom told me the same before. I knew better. Mau likes her sleep. Silly Melanie. ;) By the way, when you spell God you are supposed to use a capital G. You heathen, you!! LOL.

1:24 AM

Blogger Maureen said...

God is a figment of everyone's collective imagination. Therefore so are any grammar rules about the spelling of its name. :P

9:24 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am God and my name is spelled Raye with a capital R.
Mau - suck it up buttercup!!! So you had to wake up early one morning, boohoo boohoo!!!!

Have a great weekend.

11:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am God and my name is Raye with a capital R.
Mau - suck it up buttercup so you had to get up early one morning boohoo boohoo....
Have a great weekend.

11:18 AM

Blogger Maureen said...

I thought gods were supposed to be omniscient. If you were a god, you'd know how to work the damn comment button and not flood my comments page with multiple-entries.

5:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, relax. I never claimed to be a technical god

3:37 AM


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