Read about all my adventures on the other side of the world (a.k.a. Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR). September 2005 to May 2005.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Other tidbits

My parents emailed me a couple of photos from Ontario a few days ago. I couldn't believe how much snow there was. It kinda drove home how I haven't mocked you all over the weather yet. So here goes. I'm currently in shorts and a t-shirt. Last week was cool enough that I needed socks, but now we're back to a humidex of 30+. I have my fan on right now. Mwahahahaa.

Also, if you want to shop for fresh food, Asia is the place to go. When Peggy and I went to Jusco, I was wandering around the seafood section. I'm used to seeing live fish at a more traditional market, but Jusco is the closest thing to a Western grocery store (well, selling all Japanese goods at least) I can find here. Anyways, watch this film! You can't see it too well, but in the one package, one of those tiger prawns are flailing its legs like there's no tomorrow. That's right. The thing was packaged alive. I was a little blown away by that one.

There was something else, but I forget.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess what, all the snow is gone! Hurray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6:08 AM


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