Read about all my adventures on the other side of the world (a.k.a. Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR). September 2005 to May 2005.

Monday, November 07, 2005

I'll stick to space invaders

The great ant migration of 2005 took place tonight. I was innocently wasting time playing Sudoku when I heard a timid knock on our door. I opened it up and there were two of my flatmates. They asked if I had any pesticide/bug spray. I replied that I didn't and they showed me the reason they needed it.

In the middle of our living room floor were over 400 ants. Yes, the ants returned. Let round 5 of Mau versus the pests begin. DING!

It appeared as though they little freaks were moving their nest. They were grouped around little white things that I assume were eggs. They were randomly scattered in groups all the way from outside our door to the door to our apartment. GAH!

The two girls went to the office downstairs to see if they had any RAID or stuff like that. But I couldn't wait for them to get back. Innovative Mau got some pieces of paper, threw them down on top of the ants and began jumping up and down on them like crazy. (It's a great way to relieve some stress.)

Anyways, we managed to sweep up the remained and spray bomb our apartment with pesticide. Note to self: Make ant traps into a fashion statement and cover every surface of my apartment with them.

That was the most excitement I had all day. My morning didn't start off too well. I started the day with an "I hate Hong Kong" attitude. The weather was super hot and sticky (humidex 40). That made me miserable and therefore everything pissed me off. i.e. People didn't move out of my way on the sidewalk (a normal thing here), people bumped into me in the cafeteria without saying sorry (also a normal thing).

But luckily my sense of irritation ended by the end of classes. I had a good time in my Mandarin class today. About a third of the students were missing for some reason. We still had a good time though - lots of laughter. For my own personal amusement, I recorded a small section of my mandarin class today. If you want to listen to what our class sounds like, you can check it out here! (The quality of the recording sucks though.) (The gist of this recording is that one person reads the character on the board, uses it in a sentence, then we repeat the word, then go on to the next character.) (Also, at about 30 seconds into the tape, you hear the prof ask "Molin" to answer... That's me! Telling the class that "I don't want to buy the person's ticket" and then identifying the next character as "Dui bu qi" which means I'm sorry.)

When I got back to my room, Pei-chin and I were uber-lazy and just flopped out on our beds to relax. We had a good time and began to joke around about different things. Then I started to speak to her in Mandarin. And suddenly, she was quizzing me on Mandarin. It was lots of fun, and she helped explain some things I didn't understand before. She also taught me to say useful things like "My country is better than yours" or "I'm prettier than you." :)

My eldest sibling is about to phone me, so I shall end off here. :) Toodles!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Impressive if you really understand some of what people are saying. I'm cheering for the ants or maybe you should import some BIG spiders to protect you:)

7:32 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Molin! I listened to the recording from our mandarin class! Sounds like we have a lot of fun! And I,m glad that I didn't got to hear Ke-Siting! Hueda! Hope you have a nice time in Shenzhen!

12:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the class sounds were very cute. Sounded like a bunch of kindergarten kiddies. So cute!!!

12:32 PM


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