Read about all my adventures on the other side of the world (a.k.a. Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR). September 2005 to May 2005.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Turn that frown upside down!

It's always a pleasant end to the day when you realize that the morning from hell turned into a nice evening.

In case I croak before I finish writing this post, I'd like you guys to point out to the coroner that the cause of my death is probably the 3 month expired salad dressing I ate. Damnit! I thought the funny taste was just because it was a Hong Kong version of caesar. *burps*

Anyways, my morning started off a little badly. I didn't sleep well (courtesy of a messed up sleep schedule ever since my nights out in Lan Kwai Fong), getting only about 3 or 4 hours of sleep. I woke up at 7:20, thought, fuck it, turned my alarm clock to 8:20. I wake up officially at 8:20, rush through my shower and crap so I can catch the 9am shuttle up the mountain. At 8:50, I realize there's a shuttle at 9:20 so I slow down and relax, giving time to make lunch. At 9:15 I head down to the shuttle stop only to realize my clocks are 5 minutes slow, so I now I have about 5 minutes to walk up the freaking mountain to my tutorial. Half way up the hill I realize I forgot to write down the room number for my tutorial. Again, fuck it runs through my head, I'll pop into random class rooms looking for my tutorial.

I get into the tutorial 5 minutes late, but it's cool because half of the rest of the people are still missing. I then spend the next 30 to 45 minutes waiting with the rest of the people for the stragglers to attend. We were waiting because some of the people there said their friends had told them they were coming. Again the word "fuck" comes to mind, but this time coupled with "-ing hell." I spend the time staring at my tutorial sheet (which was provided in an email earlier) and foisting off the TAs attempts to chat with me. (Okay, his attempts were appreciated because I was the only International student in the class, and no one was talking to me, but I was too frickin' irritated and tired to listen to him say the same stuff over and over to me - the stuff that was on the tutorial sheet.)

Turns out the entire tutorial's purpose was merely to divide into groups for the presentations we have to do. Everyone knew each other in the tutorial, so they divided into teams leaving me the odd person out. Luckily one of the people who didn't show up had a valid reason, so the TA assigned her and I together. Then, to be fair, the TA assigned a lottery system for choosing the presentation dates and topics. Of course, to put the cherry on my cake, I got the last number, giving me last choice. I got the very last presentation date, and none of the topics I was remotely interested in.

By now I was frothing at the mouth and ready to go beserk, but luckily we were allowed to leave at that time.

I then got to go to the lecture that the tutorial was for. That's when my day began to show a bit more promise. I met a new exchange student there and we chatted for awhile.

Then a miracle occurred. I learned something at school. *blink blink* It's shocking, but true. This lecture was my Intro to Comparative Politics. Admittedly it promises to be very dry and boring, but I'm 80% sure I'll actually learn something in it. The prof is a French lady who speaks chinese (sending the class into twitters whenever she said something). Anyways, I took notes and lost myself in the pleasure of working my atrophied brain back into shape.

I even got out of class a bit early, giving me time to grab a sandwich at the United College canteen. (I have no lunch breaks on Mondays.) I ran back over to the building I had just vacated and made my way to my mandarin class.

Mandarin was a fun class today. I got to meet another student (although he was year long student, not a new exchange student). We had fun chatting and I was able to rock the lecture despite not having reviewed or anything. I also got elected as Class Rep even though I didn't volunteer. Silly Mallory pointed at me when the prof asked for volunteers and before I knew it, I was voluntold to be Class Rep. :) (Luckily I don't have to do much except for the Chinese Language Centre tour, in which I'll have to count class members and the like.)

After Mandarin, I scurried off to my History of US-Sino relations class. I had fun chatting with some students (new and old) and once again (I'm surprised the shock didn't kill me), I learned stuff! *weeps with joy* I didn't have to take notes because the prof was going to send out the slides, but honestly, I was too excited about the knowledge not to take it down. I was even happier when I saw my pal Mayumi (from the Singapore/Malaysia trip) enter the class. Yay!

I got to flee home for food afterwards and my evening was made complete by cooking fajitas. Mmm. Salsa, just what the doctor ordered. I then placed my lard ass in front of the computer, watched old Spiderman cartoons and played computer games.

Tomorrow's plans are to wash my bedding, go to main campus to have dim sum (there's an actual "dim sum club" now) and maybe go skating. Booyah baby!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

MONDAY!!!! :(

10:56 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Need a nap in the afternoon!

7:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh heh. Monday was the first full day free of discomfort for me. Spent the weekend at a LAN party 45km away that was hosted at a senior center (NOT a hospice, care home, or anything of the kind; it was a place where what few senior citizens there are in the town it was in can go play Bingo or something. Concrete floors are not conducive to good sleep. 3 hours total over the 60+ I was there. Bad chair too. Least I had fun. Poor, poor Mau. Guess she's starting to see why the Chinese proverb "May you live in interesting times." exists. Heheh.

12:09 AM


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