Read about all my adventures on the other side of the world (a.k.a. Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR). September 2005 to May 2005.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Menu a la carte

Whee. I was very proud of myself last night. I made my own spring rolls! That's not to say they were stupendous, but even though they weren't as good as store-bought ones, I'm still pretty pleased. It was also my first time ever deep-frying something, and after the first initial panic of having everything sputter and sit due to too high of heat, I was saved by Peggy and handled the rest myself.

I also made my very own sweet chilli sauce! I'm becoming quite the little chef. It was my first time making either of these dishes/sauces. (Okay, so I made spring rolls once in Thailand, but that was under the supervision of the chef/teacher.) I was very amused by my sauce though. I made it exactly according to the directions then set it aside on the counter while I proceeded to make the spring rolls. While I was waiting for my spring rolls to cook, I went to stir the chilli sauce for amusement... Only to discover the spoon was stuck solid inside it. The stuff had turned to the consistency of molasses - NO! Even more solid than molasses. LOL. Peggy also laughed out loud when I showed her my dilemma. She was brilliant enough to determine that I had simmered it too long and therefore there was not enough water - so we added some hot water to it and all was good. (We'll see how well it lasts in a fridge overnight.)

Overall my meal was very pleasing to my ego, if not to my palate.

I shall finish this quick post by telling you about some developments in my Intro to Comparative Politics class. My prof has been having some emergency issues back in France for the past few weeks, meaning we've missed two lectures and will be missing another one the week after next. In order to make up for the time we've missed, they've rearranged the class schedule to go 45 minutes longer than originally scheduled... Which just doesn't work for me, because I have class at that time, which means I'll be missing the last bit of lectures each week now. (Okay, I'll admit I'm not terribly disappointed by this because I have a hard time paying attention in that class anyways, but the principal of it demands irritation on my part.)

Tonight I'm apparently going to a ritual ceremony in Sheung Shui. That's about all I know. I don't know how to get there, what time to meet my friends or anything else.

Hmm. I'd also like to mention my lack of faith in the Weather Network's overseas temperatures. Yesterday it said that Hong Kong had a humidex of 31, but it certainly didn't feel like it! I don't know if it actually was that hot, or if I've acclimated so much that I don't notice anymore - it could be either because when it's humid, I do notice the wetness in the air, but it doesn't bother me much. Today I'm wearing sandals and capris!

That's all for now because I've got to go finish reading a book. Toodles!


Blogger Jill said...

Sooooooooo, Chef Mau. This means that you're going to cook for all us Waterloo folk upon your return this summer? (actually, you don't even need to cook for us all, just the important ones, ie Alyssa, Rana & I!) :wink:

10:39 PM


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