Read about all my adventures on the other side of the world (a.k.a. Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR). September 2005 to May 2005.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Korean films - a new topic for my poems?

In my Chinese History class yesterday, the prof casually mentioned that we were officially half way through our school term. First thought? "Cool!" Second thought? "Wait... What can I tell you about chinese history now?" The answer? Nothing. I honestly cannot tell you a single thing about why the various states were united, pulled apart or how any of the other dynasties were formed. What I can tell you about is how to farm silk, and that there was a skank named Mei who became the first empress by screwing both father and son. I feel so scholarly being able to claim that. I think today I'll go to library or bookstore and buy a book on chinese history.

On Wednesday, Pei-chin celebrated her birthday. It's not actually until Sunday, but she had to leave for Beijing on Thursday, so we had early celebrations. I bought her a CD by her favourite Korean singer. She was so happy. The party was a lot of fun, there were like, 7 of our friends there. Good times man.

She left for Beijing the next morning. I woke up briefly at 4:30am to make sure she hadn't overslept, then by the time I woke up for real, she was gone. It's strange without her here. I've gotten so used to having a roommate, I actually miss her presence. Although I'll admit it's nice not having to wear earphones to listen to music.

I finally got to use my free movie ticket for the Korean movie. Amusingly we got into the VIP section because we had been turned away from the cinemas on Tuesday. Rock on! We got to stand in the VIP line, be escorted into the theater and got prime VIP seating. Very amusing. You can see Renee pointing to the VIP sign in the picture. :)

As for the movie... Oh my gosh is was so CUTE! I now have a mission to buy that movie where ever I can find it. Be it a legit or illegitimate DVD. It was such a fun and adorable movie. Now I understand why Korean movies are all the rage in Asia lately.

Anyways, candy is not breakfast. I'm about to lapse into a sugar coma, so I'm going to go now. Toodles!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm, wonder if someone will show this Blog to the Prof???

7:50 AM


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