Read about all my adventures on the other side of the world (a.k.a. Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR). September 2005 to May 2005.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Mau of the Mountains

Yesterday as a means of procrastinating, I decided to sweep the apartment. I'm positive it hasn't been swept since I last did it I dunno when. Killer dustbunnies! (And this is only from my bedroom which has been swept more often than the rest of the apartment.)

Wow! A lot sure has changed in 6 months! After my little cleaning spat, I decided to take some updated photos of my apartment. This is how my bedroom first looked like. And now this is my apartment today! We also have cool posters. (The first two are of a Korean singer Peggy likes, and the one on the closet doors is mine. :)) I shudder as to how the hell to get this crap home!

Today I got (willingly) dragged to Sai Kung, one of HK's mountainous areas. You would have been ashamged to see Ida, Limin, Peggy and I. We were the biggest group of whiners in all of Hong Kong this morning. You couldn't even hear the nature around us by the complaints of "Oh my god, I want to go back home." Thankfully after the first 10 minutes or so, we got it out of our systems and started up the mountain with gusto. See the pictures of our hiking trail here.

The only problem with the first three quarters of the trail was that it was so humid, you could barely see anything. Honestly, I could barely see my companions who were less than 7 meters behind me. This meant that when we reached the peak of our trail (aka the most scenic view), we couldn't see ANYTHING. (If you look closely at the picture posted, you can see a person in the background.) Also, the increased humidity meant we were all sweating like pigs.

Luckily our trail ended faster than we anticipated. (And thank god too, because it seemed to go no other way than up or down - no flat sections!) We put in 3 hours of hiking (piddly I know, but when you're either climbing up or clambering down a mountain, it's tough work!) then grabbed a bus to wander around Sai Kung village before heading back home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have to give cleaning lessons when you get home. Psycho Lama cleaner from hell!

11:09 AM


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