Read about all my adventures on the other side of the world (a.k.a. Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR). September 2005 to May 2005.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

A good day by definition

I had such a blast today! I went ice skating today, out for yummy italian food, then to Mong Kok.

Photos for the evening were taken by Minnie and can be found here! (FYI, Miss Banana = Bernard)

Bernard (local), Minnie (local/Canada), Sarah (Beijing), Anna (unknown) and I went to Kowloon Tong today to go skating at the rink there. I had never seen it, so I assumed it was going to be a rink like the ones in Canada. Not so. It was located smack dab in the middle of the mall, where people could sit and eat snacks and watch the skaters. No pressure to not look like an ass, really.

It was fun though - I was too busy concentrating on staying on my own two feet to pay attention to the spectators. Bernard had never ever skated before, so we were trying to teach him. I don't know if I can claim that we succeeded, but he only fell once, and by the end of the session, he only flailed his arms around half as badly as when he began. :)

We then went for dinner at a nice Italian restaurant also in the mall. It was so delicious - I've missed italian food. The portions were huge, so we just ordered 4 things and shared them amongst each other.

My only complaint about the afternoon was the one girl. I have never met someone and immediately disliked them so much. The chick did not impress me at all. She started off our introductory conversation by bitching about the school, residence, etc. Then at dinner, she was bitching about a table of kids next to us who were celebrating a birthday party. The kids weren't bad - they were laughing loudly, but not shrieking or making a complete scene. She also ordered an alcoholic drink and a few minutes later, someone came out to confirm she was 18. She looked at the waitress and snarled, "Do I look like I'm fucking 18?" Jesus. The chick's just doing her job!

Okay, I'm done venting. After dinner, Sarah and Anna went around the store, and I fled with Bernard and Minnie since I couldn't stand the other chick.

We ended up going to Mong Kok and finding a small little restaurant/cafe/thing that sold drinks. I had the most delicious kiwi drink ever. The cool thing about the restaurant was that it had games like monopoly, chinese chess, and jenga. Minnie taught Bernard and I how to play Chinese Chess, then we played numerous games of Jenga. I love that game! It's been yeeears since I've played it.

After our game time, we ventured back out into Mong Kok and wandered around a random chinese mall. It was amusing, but not terribly news worthy.

I ended up going home after the mall though, because I wanted to catch the last shuttle bus back to I-House. I'm tired of walking up this damned mountain. It was especially nice to catch the shuttle because my knees were killing me from skating and I twisted my lower back when I tripped on the ice.


If you read this Bernard? That random $100 tucked into your bag is from me. The drinks were on me tonight. :P


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