Read about all my adventures on the other side of the world (a.k.a. Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR). September 2005 to May 2005.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Let your inner child loose

Yesterday was good time - I went to Mong Kok with Renee, her friend Allyson, and Wenli.

Amusing anecdote of the evening: I convinced a McDonald's employee that I spoke Cantonese. LOL. We went to the Mong Kok McDonald's to use their washroom. I had used it before, and knew that you needed a key to unlock the door. Since I don't know how to ask, "Can I please have the washroom key?" I asked the guy at the counter where the washroom was in cantonese. He smiled and unsuccessfully tried to suppress some laughter and then handed me the key and spouted this big explanation in cantonese as to where the washroom was. I just smiled and nodded, said thanks in cantonese and ran off. It was amusing.

Wenli and I hit up the Women's market - the main bargaining street in MK. It had been awhile since I was last there, so it was fun. I tried bargaining for a "Lost in Hong Kong" t-shirt, but the best deal I got was $20HKD for an ugly white one. I did manage to bargain for a nice warm black sweater though. A cold snap has hit HK, so we're down to like 10-15 degrees during the day. Now I need to buy gloves.

Today was a blast! I went to Disneyland in HK! When I first came here, I kept saying I didn't want to go. To me, Disneyland is nothing more than a giant commercial for their products. And I was right. But I did enjoy myself immensely despite that.

We (Peggy, Renee, Antonette, and I) got there even before the park opened. Amusingly, there's a Disneyland subway - the handles for people to hold if they're standing are in the shape of Mickey mouse heads, as are the windows. It was amusing. We got $50HKD off each for being HK residents.

The park itself was VERY western. Everything was spoken in English, and all things were written in both English and chinese. All rides were presented in Cantonese, Mandarin, and English.

I don't know what else to say about the park. It was fun. We got our photos taken with all the main Disney characters. (Chip and Dale even got to see some action with us.) The only bummer about the day was that Antonette's camera got stolen. We filed a report, but we doubt it's going to resurface.

The chinese people got to experience snow as well. At around 6pm, the Disney x-mas tree was lit up. Suddenly it began to snow! Yup - the park managed to mimic snow by blowing small bubbles from the top of the roofs. It was neat and very realistic (minus the biting cold).

Antonette and I also abused some little kids. We were in line for one of the rides and the little kids, probably around 7 or 9, kept trying to butt in front of us (their mother was actually encouraging them to sneak through.) So we kept having to lean against the railings. The kids understood nothing about personal space. They were practically hugging my ass trying to get closer to the front of the line. I have never wished to have a case of gas so much before. :)

More to come later. I'm too cold to type (curse you lack of heaters in HK!) and I'm having issues uploading photos from Disneyland. Stupid cheap SD memory card.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAO!!! Enjoyed muchly. Did you not get my parcel yet?????

8:40 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so awful...luv it. Imagine trying to gas little kids out having a good time. You must've had a real traumatic childhood. Glad I had no part in that.
Love, Lama

9:01 AM


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