Read about all my adventures on the other side of the world (a.k.a. Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR). September 2005 to May 2005.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Coming soon to a Canada near you!

That's correct. I've finally book my flight home to Canada! I shall be on a plane for nearly 20 hours, but it's cheap! For $720CAD, I will fly from Hong Kong to Korea, stay there for 6 hours, grab another plane from Korea to Atlanta, then transfer again so I can finally make it to Toronto. I predict a very tired and cranky Mau arriving in Canada on April 26.

So the theoretical plan is for me to arrive in Toronto on the 26th, drive to Owen Sound with my parents, stay there for two days, then drive up to Ottawa, set up my apartment-to-be (wherever it is) overnight, and start work on May 1st. I'm still waiting for official confirmation on the job offer, but I don't anticipate any problems.

I've been in a really good mood lately. Maybe it's excitement to be returning to Canada, but I can't tell for sure. After purchasing my tickets, I went and spent even more money by buying some Chinese music CDs - I had been wanting to buy them for awhile and just never got around to it.

I keep thinking of all these things I still want to do in Hong Kong. I need to visit more museums, go to Happy Valley (horse racing track), go on a Duk Ling (traditional chinese boat), etc. I also want to buy lots of stuff that's cheaper here - e.g. MP3 player, cell phone, etc.

So much to do... And less than 30 days to do it in!!!!

***Edit: Crap, it's about 10 minutes since I posted this. I got home around 3pm. It's now 4:10pm. I forgot that when I got home, I started steaming some buns... I just remembered about them a few seconds ago. They were decidedly black on the bottom and there's a smokey smell in the kitchen. I'm just lucky they didn't catch on fire!***


Blogger Jill said...

Hmm. For some reason, I thought you were in Waterloo next term. Now I'm saddened :( Oh well - at least Ottawa's a bit closer :P You can come visit the Loo!! ;)

Have a fun last month!!

8:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christ, last thing you need to do is burn down the university just before you leave. LOL

11:20 AM


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