Read about all my adventures on the other side of the world (a.k.a. Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR). September 2005 to May 2005.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Well THAT was creepy

P.S. No this is NOT an April Fool's joke. :P

Okay. Mom, you probably don't want to read this post. :P

Peggy and I normally don't lock our door at night when we sleep. That will forever change.

Last night I woke up for some unknown reason to see someone standing in our bedroom door. They weren't inside the room, they were standing there though. The first thing my sleep head thought of saying was, "Can I help you?" Immediately the person, a man, responded, "Oh, sorry" (I'm pretty sure I detected a chinese accent) and closed the door.

I was going to go back to sleep when it finally clicked in that "Hey! There shouldn't be anything openining my door at this time of night!" So I got up, put on my glasses and slowly wandered out into the flat. (Very slowly since I was freaked and didn't really want to encounter the person alone.) Whoever it was had left the flat - I could hear the elevator moving while they made their escape.

I returned to my bedroom and checked the time - by now it was 4:50am. Fuckin' creepy! Because I was too freaked to go back to sleep, I wrote my flatmates a note instead, warning them to lock their doors at night. Peggy and I shall go report it to the I-House office this afternoon when she gets back from class.

Also, there's NO WAY someone can open Peggy's and my door by accident - it's pretty obvious someone lives in here - we've got postcards all over the door plus a message board.

About 2 days ago, one of my flatmate's also suffered a robbery - someone stole her laptop from her 3 person bedroom (one roommate wasn't home, the other had gone for a shower and left the door open). The thing with this story is that it happened in broad daylight - sometime between 11:30 and 12:30 in the morning. At first I assumed it had to be one of their friends because it takes a lot of balls to walk into someone's apartment in the middle of the day and steal something while everyone's home. (There were at least 4 people in the apartment at the time.) But now I think it takes even more balls to open someone's door in the middle of the night when they HAVE to be at home. Totally NOT cool man.

On to a lighter topic. Argh! There be pirates! Thank God I never wanted to be a Fine Arts major. Before our International Politics tutorial, Hong and I were goofing around, drawing on the whiteboard. The topic of the day was Latin America, and the only thing we could think of Latin America having was pirates! Thus our art for the group's presentation was born. (I'm pleased to note that the TA didn't erase it or otherwise defile it while he was doing his own lesson - he wrote around it instead.)

I'll also have you know, I'm totally NOT going to miss some of the things about eating here. I've mentioned it before, but I'll say it again. Sometimes you'll be served a bowl of noodles with a chunk of meat on top of it. You don't get forks or knives - you're expected to pick up the meat with your chopsticks and start haggling off pieces here and there. If you're eating a soup dish with the meat, you'll often drop the meat and thus splash yourself with the soup. Very aggravating. So although I'll miss it when I leave, I'll also be happy to leave this manner of eating behind.

*** Update: So Peggy and I went to the office today to tell them about our intruder - however in the elevator there's a sign saying a man intruded on to the 5th floor... So we weren't the only people to be hit up by this creepy person. Anyways, we gave our details as well and the lady took my name and number to give to security. ***

*** Update 2: The head of I-house came to talk to me. Turns out they've got the guy (a chinese guy) on camera, but it's not very good quality so they don't know how useful it will be. Apparently a girl on the 10th floor found him in her bedroom. The Warden didn't give any more details on that though. The guy was also supposedly carrying a backpack. As the Warden said, "He came prepared." Not much else to say I guess.

I'm relieved others ran into the guy too though. By the time Peggy had come back from class, I was beginning to wonder if I had dreamed the whole thing up.***


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can happen anywhere dude. Take care but don't get too paranoid. Life is for living not worrying! :-)

8:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't listen to a word dad just said!!!!
I am glad you are being more cautious now ie locking your door.
Even if they catch this guy, he might not be alone. This would be an excellent opportunity to hit up on the international students. You guys are going home soon and won't have time to follow through legally with these happenings.
Also students are probably loaded with more goods to take home with them thus more goods to steal.
Keep safe.
And moron....don't go investigating alone when you know there is an intruder.

10:27 PM

Blogger Maureen said...

Duh to everyone.

10:51 PM


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