Read about all my adventures on the other side of the world (a.k.a. Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR). September 2005 to May 2005.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Deja vu, deja dit au revoir

It seems I've been in Hong Kong long enough that some of the IASP events have begun to repeat themselves. The event in this situation is the IASP Farewell Party. It was held tonight at the Royal Plaza Hotel in Mong Kok.

Photos can be found here.

It was a bittersweet night. It brought back a lot of memories from last term for me. I kept expecting to see my first term friends to pop up for photos somewhere, but alas they didn't. I attended the party instead with Peggy, Limin, Ida, and Susa. We had a fun time yapping together. We all got dolled up and left I-house together. Luckily the rain that was threatening to come down failed to make an appearance.

As mentioned, this term's IASP party was held in a hotel in Mong Kok. The setup was better than last term. The surroundings weren't as intimate, but the space was better used. (e.g. this time there weren't tables placed in random corners that couldn't see the action.)

This term there was a dragon dance put on by some of the students. They had been practicing on it all term. I had wanted to also join in, but unfortunately practices were held on the nights I had tutorials. The dragon dance was really well done. I was impressed. Plus I felt cool because I knew most of the people who were performing. I'm connected. :)

Dinner was absolutely fabulous! There was a lot more food this term. Sadly it seems actual dinner foods used up most of the budget, and thus we were left with crap desserts. ;) Still, I adored the ribs in sweet and sour sauce. *drool*

The rest of the IASP party was similar to the first one. We placed "lost and found," had lucky draws, charades and the like. By the end of the evening, you could tell people were getting totally sloshed off the free booze. (When I was preparing to leave, I went to the washroom and a girl was so hammered, she fell off the counter she was sitting on. Her friends suggested that she go sit down... Until she was ready to hit Lan Kwai Fong.) Some of the other performances included a group of students singing a cantonese song (none of whom could speak Cantonese), and a girl who sang, "Leaving on a Jet Plan" - I think most of us were amazed by her singing talent. She also had a mini-slide show. A lot of misty eyes were left behind after her performance.

And of course, the party finished off with the slideshow - a compilation of pictures students sent in of their adventures throughout the year. I managed to get a few of my photos into it this year. (Just check them all out!)

Sadly (but not too sadly) I couldn't go out to Lan Kwai Fong after the party. I had to return home to play phone tag with a dude in America. He's currently "it," but we seem to be making some progress. :)

18 days until I return to Canada! Oh my gosh! Oh, and FYI to my parents/family... I'll be gone from HK from April 13-18 on my Shanghai trip. (Dad, for your research purposes, I'll be going to Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Suzhou.) :)

That's all for now. Must go to sleep now.

I'm so going to be flogged by society when I return home. I will be the most impolite person in the world. I realized how innundated I am with "manners" here. Here I am at a fancy hotel restaurant, and I caught myself spitting my bones out on my plate (HK style) and just tearing my meat apart with my teeth rather than cutting it up with a knife. Hee hee. Whoops.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hej hej!!
So another IASP farewell party!!Sniff. Time really flies!! I took a look at your photo album, I found a lot of random photos there:) One on my letter!! Yay! Take care, enjoy your time in HK!!

3:31 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few skull raps with a metal spoon/fork will take care of your manners quick enough :)

Looking forward to seeing you, munchkin!!!

Love, Mom

7:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your manners will come back to you as soon as you set foot on native soil. Look at me and my Moosonee I seem to leave it on the train and pick it up on my way back. I imagine you will have alot more farewells in your life. You are so adventurous and the adventures are just beginning. Enjoy the rest of your visit. Love ya.

9:25 PM


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