Read about all my adventures on the other side of the world (a.k.a. Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR). September 2005 to May 2005.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

One thing off my list

I had a great day today! I finally made my presentation on Chinese Contemporary Leadership. And the class, instead of eating me up and spitting me out, decided to pillage and rape my partner instead. They totally pounced on his part of the presentation, and I don't blame them for it, because I didn't agree with his arguments either. :) It's such a relief to get it over with.

I then moved on to do my chinese written exam. I think it went really well. I know I did get the one "unscramble" sentence wrong... I knew what I was supposed to write, but I couldn't remember the correct order of the words. Therefore I think I wrote something to the effect of "I want to buy two tickets that go to Shanghai" - but in the context that I want the tickets themselves to go to Shanghai - not tickets with Shanghai being the final destination. Whoops.

Yesterday night I realized that I had forgotten to see one of Hong Kong's major attractions: The Symphony of Lights in Tsim Sha Tsui. According to HK's tourism website, it's a light show along Victoria Harbor with music and lasers and the like. I tried going to see it several times when I first arrived in Hong Kong, but I always missed the chance - either I had made other plans, or was late to it.

Tonight I finally rectificed my lapse. I dragged Jen, Limin, and Ida out to Tsim Sha Tsui to see it. It turns out that the show itself was pretty lame. The lights on the buildings along the harbour (which are always on) just flashed a bit more than usual. Nevertheless it was a pleasant evening. We strolled along the avenue of stars, taking more random pictures of stars names I knew such as Jet Li. Ida and Limin had their photo taken and put on a mug... It was cute!

Afterwards we separated. Jen and I stayed in TST and hung around Sogo for awhile looking at the expensive stuff we couldn't afford to buy before heading out to grab a bowl of wonton noodles. We chatted at the restaurant for awhile and then made our way to HMV.

And finally, look at what I found! It's like a photo website, but for videos instead. Now you can see the videos I take of events... Which I rarely do. :) Anyways, this video is from my stay on the harbor.

Victoria Harbor
Video sent by dendia


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome video.

Glad to hear you are getting your school work done. Excellent.

16 More Days!!!!

7:09 AM


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